The video here is of my comments at the Center for Health Administration Studies' 50th Anniversary celebration. It covers why I am so proud of health reform, and so nervous about it, too.
The Affordable Care Act is such an important measure for vulnerable Americans. ACA's (near)-universal coverage and expanded coverage for mental health and substance abuse treatment represent the most important advances in public policy in decades. Yet the political challenges and the long-run budget uncertainties remain daunting.
Within our current gridlocked political system, I worry that future presidents will view ACA the way British Prime Ministers will remember the Falklands War: as an audacious victory no sane leader would ever try to replicate.
I was commenting on presentations by David Cutler and Richard Frank. These are also well worth watching. Hank Aaron and Jonathan Cohn – two people I have written about here at healthinsurance.org – make uncredited cameos, as well.